Understanding the Basic Facts About Modular Homes

Modular homes are sectional structures created in a factory in several pieces and transported to a building site. The different units are then connected securely to create a beautiful house that follows the same building and construction codes that stick-built homes adhere to in that area. The only real difference between the two is the building location.

Building Time

Although construction time differs due to floor plan designs, manufacturer backup and building site readiness, most modular builds can be completed in as little as two weeks once assembly begins. There are no weather problems to hinder the assembly, and once the components are complete, transportation to the building site can take as little as four weeks.

Construction Cost

Creating modular homes is more cost-effective than on-site buildings. The factories know the size of lumber for each component, so there is very little waste. Additionally, purchasing materials in bulk can save costs that can be passed to the consumer. That means most modular constructed homes cost 25 percent less than site-built on average.

Available Plans

When it comes to modular floor plans, there are hundreds available. Companies offer expansive ranch plans and multiple floor options. There are also different home styles to choose from, including colonial, cottage and farmhouse. No matter what look you want, you can find something you will love from a modular company.

Environmental Impact

Focus on keeping the environment safe into the future includes the area of home construction, and modular companies are part of the movement. From high insulation factors to water-efficient household appliances, modular houses have it all. Add sustainable building materials to the list, and you can see that modular home companies care about your eco-footprint.

Modular homes are a popular alternative to the on-site construction methods. If you are ready to purchase your forever house, a modular home can save you money on construction costs, shorten building time, and still look amazing.